Oksana’s Experience with MovED by Mentoring: A Ukrainian Teacher's Journey

September 2, 2024

Oksana’s Experience with MovED by Mentoring: A Ukrainian Teacher's Journey

Watch Oksana’s video here. here 

Oksana, a forward-thinking English teacher from Kyiv, took part in the MovED by Mentoring pilot program in the spring of 2024 as a mentee. She found immense value in the mentoring sessions with her Finnish mentor, keynote presentations, and the discussions with fellow teachers in group sessions.

"This program truly shows that you #ActwithUkraine. We, Ukrainian teachers, deeply need this hope and knowledge that we are not alone," Oksana shared.

Despite the ongoing challenging situation in Ukraine, Oksana believes that investing in education is key to growth and resilience. Here are some insights she gained from the MovED by Mentoring program, which she felt aligned perfectly with the principles of lifelong learning and sustainable development:

  • Learning from mistakes: No one is perfect, and it’s essential to learn from mistakes.
  • Student well-being: It’s important for students to feel safe, seen, heard, and understood by their teachers.
  • Self-empowerment: Keep teaching, shining, and growing. "I am brave, and I am good enough."

Oksana continually reminds her students that Ukraine will need skilled professionals to help rebuild the country, reinforcing the importance of education during these difficult times.

Empowered by the program, Oksana became a mentor herself, guiding Ukrainian teacher students—a testament to the positive ripple effect of the program. She believes its impact will last at least five years.

To further enhance the program, Oksana hopes it can be extended and include more participants, emphasizing that the real magic lies in direct, person-to-person connections.

Oksana’s Experience with MovED by Mentoring: A Ukrainian Teacher's Journey

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