
The vast task of rebuilding Ukraine has already begun. Rebuilding infrastructure is a must, but not enough. We have to rebuild minds as well. Especially young ones as their needs and future impact are greatest.

Who we are and what we do

Learning is the key to a better future for individuals and societies. Our purpose is to support young Ukrainians with world-class education by constantly improving the competencies of and respect for teachers. We use creativity and music to inspire and raise awareness, funds and hope. Legally, MovED is an international non-profit movement, registered as Voices For Freedom ry association in Finland. (ry. 3350143-4). The movement is now active in Finland and Ukraine, but we aim to expand to other countries.

We will support the piloting in Ukraine new educational centres, teacher competence development, and a new curriculum based on STEM and music. The first test will be a music camp in the autumn of 2023. After piloting in Makariv, we will scale to other parts of Ukraine. With and for Ukrainians, not profit.

Our founders have worked with and in Ukraine for years. We need funders, artists and event producers, corporate and research partners, and volunteers. We need you. Because action creates hope, and hope creates action.

Ukraine Needs You

Join us in the rebuilding of Ukraine by empowering youth. We are looking for organisations and individuals from all walks of life. 

Every cent you can donate is a ray of hope for Ukrainian youth, yourself and all of us.
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We are looking for project managers, educational experts, event producers, creative communicators, artists and event producers, to name a few. When in doubt, ask us.
We are looking for companies and organisations that share the desire to empower Ukrainian youth with world-class learning.
Partners can contribute with their knowhow, resources and/or funding.