MovED by Mentoring

Apply to become a mentor or mentee

Application period for the 1st MovED by Mentoring is now closed and we are processing applications. You can contact us to join for waiting list or as a volunteer.

Apply as a Mentor
Apply as a Mentee

Why did we create this programme?

Ukrainian teachers are faced with an enormous challenge

They have to face bombed schools and traumatized children - alone. In the MovEd by Mentoring programme, Finnish teachers will support Ukrainian teachers emotionally and professionally in one-on-one relationships. Read more in our blog.

When you help a child, you can change the world. When you help one teacher, you can help hundreds of children.  We want to create peer-to-peer -connections between teachers from Finland and Ukraine to support and empower their important work in both countries, especially in Ukraine.

To do this we have launched a unique programme called MovED by Mentoring

About the Programme

MovED has now a call for recruiting both mentors and mentees for MovED by mentoring.  The mentor and mentee are matched based on the need from the mentee, the Ukrainian teacher.

In the beginning of the mentoring programme, the mentee will define a goal that she would like to achieve during the meetings and the role of the mentor is to support reaching this goal. Both participants learn by doing and are supported by MovED team.

Become a Mentor

Do you want to support Ukrainian children in their education? If so, MovED by Mentoring is a programme for you! Sign up to be a MoVED mentor.

Apply as a Mentor Here

You will get:

- Direct contact with one teacher as your mentee  and connections with other Ukrainian teachers

- Sense of meaningfulness: You know you have done something concrete that sparks hope for the future of Ukraine

- Learn what it is like to be teacher in a country going through war

- MoVED by Mentoring -certificate

- First hand access to the learnings & results of this pilot program

What we expect:

- Motivation and commitment to support the mentee as a volunteer

- Degree in teaching or pedagogy with a minimum of 3 years of practical teaching experience

- International experience

- English or Ukrainian language skills

In addition, we appreciate if you have some special skills such as:

- Mentoring or coaching skills

- Learning design and psychological safety

- Digitalization and AI at schools

- Experience of conflict situations, post traumatic stress or student rehabilitation

- Leading transformation in school and  change management

Become a Mentee

Want to join the programme and collaborate with a skilled mentor?

Join as a mentee to get a mentor and to network with other mentees.

Apply as a Mentee Here

Why you should join:

- Support, empowerment and new insights to your work

- Connections for life with with your colleagues in Ukraine and Finland

- MovED with mentoring certificate for mentee

- Monetary reward of 150 euros/mentee to compensate you for your time. This support for up to 20 teachers from Ukraine is provided main partner  Finnish Global Education Services  and Ministry of Good Spirit


What we expect:

- Educated teacher with Ukrainian citizenship

- Willingness to develop your own work in line with the goals of the MovED by mentoring programme

- Motivation to commit to participating in mentoring program meetings

- English language skills

- Support Ukrainian cause / pro Ukraine

Summary of the program and timeline

Mentor and mentee pairs will meet online 3-4 times x 1 h during February - March 2024. In addition all participants are invited to three group meetings: kick off, networking event and wrap up meeting. Participants will get onboarding, briefing and different types of support. Minimum time commitment equals about 8-10 hours / participant.  

20.11 - 26.01.2024 Application period

Processing applications 

12.2.2024 at 16.00 - 18.00 Kick off event with briefing & onboarding online

February - March 2024 Mentoring meetings between mentor and mentee (min. 3-4)

05.03.2024 at 18.00 - 20.00 Networking event online

26.03.2024 at 16.00 - 18.00 Closing event

Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that we will find a mentor for each applicant or mentee for each mentor- but we will do our best! You are also welcome to join MovED as a volunteer to organize this project or in and other roles such as coordinator, researcher, communication specialist or project manager.  VOLUNTEER  - APPLY HERE  


If you have any questions regarding the MovED by mentoring programme,
don’t hesitate to contact us:

anu @, HR lead, MovED

hannele.mennala @, Head of MovED

info @